Distance course “Entrepreneur: from idea to action plan.” was developed by the specialist of the business incubator ZAO “MAP ZAO” Naidovich Marina Nikolaevna specifically for the Business School IPM.
Training course “Entrepreneur. From idea to action plan “was developed specifically for participants of the Entrepreneurship Ideas Competition. The competition of entrepreneurial ideas is organized within the framework of the IPM Business School project “Promotion of business education in the regions for entrepreneurial success” (DRIVES), which is implemented with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and PYXERA Global (USA).
If you have a business idea, but there is not enough strength and money to implement it,
If you run a business, but never made up a business plan for your company,
If you have a business plan, but you doubt its reliability,
Then we will try to prepare you for the future with the help of our remote program “Entrepreneur. From idea to action plan “.
Whoever you are, it’s never too late to start building your business plan or to improve what is already available.
The purpose of our distance course is the step-by-step creation of your business plan: from determining the place of a business idea or a company on the market, before conducting a financial analysis of the results of this paper-based business idea.
Module 1. Basic principles of business planning
This module is preparatory and fact-finding. You will find out what sections the business plan consists of. A template with prepared questions will help you formulate and describe a business idea.
Module 2. Marketing plan
An entrepreneur working with a business plan must have an idea of the environment in which his business will develop. Therefore, a convincing business plan necessarily contains information about potential buyers and direct competitors. The vision of threats and opportunities in the implementation of a business plan helps the entrepreneur to prevent negative market manifestations. The marketing plan along with the financial plan is one of the most important sections of the business plan. It is from its implementation that it depends on how well the consumer perceives your product (service).
Module 3. Production plan
The production plan is an integral part of any business plan, in which all the production and other working processes of the enterprise, the need for equipment, raw materials and materials should be described. The main task of this module is to help you calculate the cost of finished goods (goods, services).
Module 4. Organizational plan
The organizational plan is to show that there is a qualified staff able to implement the investment project, experienced managers, able to rationally distribute the responsibilities for the implementation of the project. The organizational plan helps to determine the necessary personnel, numbers, responsibilities, and labor costs.
Module 5. Investment plan
Without initial investments, as a rule, it is difficult to start and develop your business. Raising funds in the project is an important task for the entrepreneur. Therefore, drawing up a timetable for project financing and forecasting the return of these funds on terms determined by the creditor – is the basis of the investment plan.
Module 6. Financial plan
The development of the financial plan transforms the diverse lines of the company’s activities into objective numerical indicators, which give an idea of the company’s work, its problems and prospects, and predict the company’s financial results in the future. The most important source of information for assessing the financial condition of an enterprise is its financial statements, which include the balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement. This module will help to understand them and to trace the relationship between the three types of reports, and on their basis to conduct a financial analysis of the economic activities of their enterprise.
Module 7. Risk Analysis
The last module “Risk Analysis” sums up the work on the distance course “Entrepreneur. From idea to action plan “. In conclusion, you will need to carry out a risk analysis of the project, think about the impact of which factors can negatively affect the project implementation, calculate the safety margin and summarize the work done to compile the business plan in the form of a resume.
Full description of the course you can see here.