The project “Development and implementation of an optional course on the basics of entrepreneurial activities in the regions for high school students” was implemented in 2005-2006 within the framework of the project of the Government of Germany’s Support Program for Belarus, in conjunction with the Republican Public Association “Professionals for Development”.
The goal of the project is the development, testing, and transfer of experience to interested persons of a professionally oriented elective course on the basics of entrepreneurial activity for young people.
The objective of the elective course is to help high school students navigate the choice of their profession, form modern economic thinking and provide a minimum of knowledge necessary to create their own business and its development in a market economy.
Project Manager – Marina Naidovich
Within the framework of the project implementation, the manual “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship for Youth” was published by: Komlach DT, Naidovich MN, Naumovich NK, Minsk, 2005, consisting of three parts: psychological, legal and economic aspects entrepreneurial activity.
Based on the lessons in two rural schools (Kolodishchi village, Minsk district and village of Komarovo, Myadel district), a curriculum and optional course program “Foundations of entrepreneurial activities for youth” were developed, and methodological recommendations for teachers of the elective course were developed and published.
You can see the results of the project in the journal “Adukatar” №2, 2006.
In September 2011, an updated edition of 6,000 copies of the “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship for Youth” manual was published at the expense of the State Small Business Support Program of the Minsk Region for 2010-2012, commissioned by the Minsk Regional Executive Committee. And in 2014, with amendments and additions, an updated manual with a circulation of 3,000 copies was again issued at the expense of the State Small Business Support Program, commissioned by the Minsk Regional Executive Committee.
Download the 2014 edition.
Prepared for publication are methodological recommendations for teachers of the elective course “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship for Youth”. They contain a thematic plan, training programs for the course, as well as recommendations for teachers, including a description of not only the actions performed by the teacher and students in the joint solution of learning tasks, but also the methods of training used, ways of organizing the joint activities of trainees and their independent work; tests, training and practical tasks and recommendations for their implementation.