The project “Development of the movement of credit unions in the Republic of Belarus” was implemented in 2004 – April 2005 jointly by the Republican Public Association “Professionals for Development” with the assistance of the Eurasia Foundation at the expense of funds provided by the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
Objective of the project: the study of the current legislation, the formation of an enabling environment, conditions and the legal framework necessary for the establishment of credit unions of citizens in the Republic of Belarus.
Project Manager: Naidovich Marina Nikolaevna.
Results of the project:
- developed and published a production-practical publication “How to create a credit union and organize its work in the Republic of Belarus.” Authors: Eletskikh Taisiya Vladimirovna, Naidovich Marina Nikolaevna, Naumovich Nina Kirillovna, – Minsk, 2004, – 200 pages;
- a number of seminars have been held in Minsk and the regions for interested persons published articles in newspapers and magazines;
- consultations were given to initiative groups of citizens;
- assisted in the preparation of the statutory documents of the PC “Mutual Help Club” Komarovo”.
Assistance and support in the implementation of the project was provided by the League Credit Unions of Russia.
Some articles can be read in:
- the newspaper “Minsk Courier”;
- to the newspaper “NEG. Economic newspaper “;
- “Bankovskiy Vestnik” magazine : “Mutual lending societies: problems and ways of development”;
- “Bankovskiy Vestnik” magazine : “Credit Cooperative: Its Development in the Republic of Belarus”.
Download presentation “Prospects for the development of credit cooperation in the Republic of Belarus” can be here.
In September 2004, the first Consumer Cooperative “Capital Mutual Assistance Club”, was created in Minsk, which at present is the largest in Belarus.