In August 2015, in Zaslavl was equipped with a crisis room within the campaign "STOP violence in the family." For these purposes, the Minsk Executive Committee allocated a one-room apartment intended primarily for women with…
The action “Our children”
On 15.01.2015 in Zaslavl in the kindergarten # 4 in the specialized group of correctional development there was an action "Our children". For children with developmental features, educational toys, sleeping furniture, school desks, cabinets, sports…
Action “Children against drugs”
On October 15, 2014, a charity action "Children Against Drugs" was held in the Kolodischansky secondary school. The school had a tennis table, purchased sports equipment and a football uniform.
The action “With hope for the future …”
In the house of the child No. 1 in Minsk on July 16, 2014, the action "Hope for the future ..." was held, where medical equipment was transferred.
The action “Our children”
On January 29, 2014, a charity event "Our Children" was held, within the framework of which the Center for Correction and Development Education in Zaslavl was given development toys, furniture and household appliances were purchased.
Medical equipment for Minsk central district hospital
On September 3, 2013, the pediatric department of the Minsk Central District Hospital received medical equipment, furniture and household appliances, as well as gifts for children at the beginning of the school year.
Actions “Movement to life”
On September 8, 2013, charitable assistance was rendered to the day-care center for the disabled in Zaslavl, where young people with disabilities learn self-service skills. For these purposes, within the framework of the action "Movement…
Promotion “Out of good hands with love”
On 01.11.2012, beds, other furniture, a TV set, a refrigerator and other household appliances were purchased at the 24-hour stay of elderly citizens and invalids (d. Gajek, Minsk region).
Action “From the bottom of the heart”
For Kolodischanska hospital nursing care on 25.07.2012, household appliances and furniture were purchased as part of the charitable action "From the bottom of the heart" to help medical personnel caring for the elderly.