Newspaper “Minskaya Pravda” 10/21/2014
– In 2006, we developed a training manual “The basics of entrepreneurial activities for young people”, which provides an accessible form of information on where and how to start your business, “says the project manager, director of the directorate of the small business incubator ZAO” MAP ZAO “Marina Naidovich.
Watch the TV channel STV, the TV program “Minshina” from 11/17/2014
– The book tells about the organizational and legal forms of business, how to make a business plan, also focuses on the vocational guidance of schoolchildren, so that graduates themselves can decide on the future choice. The pilot project took place in the Kolodischensky school of the Minsk region, where the students listened to the trial elective course. Then the team of authors developed methodological manuals for teachers of schools – teachers of this course. Since 2006, we are implementing this project throughout the Minsk region. With the financial support of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee in 2011, we reissued the manual “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship for Youth” in a large circulation. Books were sent to almost all schools in the central region. And it’s not the first year that more than 70 school business companies work here.
According to Marina Naidovich, schoolchildren who have passed an elective course, boldly implement their business ideas. For example, high school students from Rakova created their own mini-travel agency and conduct excursions around their native land. Children from other schools are engaged in making postcards, souvenirs, sewing custom-made bed linens. That is, they try to conduct entrepreneurial activity under the guidance of teachers. School companies are structural subdivisions of educational institutions, children from 14 years old can participate in them. They work under a contract agreement, which is signed by one of the parents of the child.
In 2011, the specialists of the business incubator in the Minschina held 24 seminars. In many educational institutions of the region, schoolchildren already have the opportunity to attend elective classes “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship for Youth”. The course is designed for the whole academic year.
“It’s a purely voluntary matter,” Marina Naidovich explains. – In such courses, high school students can learn to make business plans, intelligently plan their savings, find out what distinguishes an individual entrepreneur from a legal entity, how to conduct accounting, and much more. Naturally, to lead electives, teachers themselves must be trained. But there is the main thing – the manual, the teaching methodology, and even the decision to introduce such an elective course.
In total, five seminars will be held in the Minsk region: the first one in Borisov today, October 23 in Volozhin, November 5 in Dzerzhinsk, November 12 in the Machulishchi township and the 19th in Molodechno.